They Call Them “Dancing Crooks”

They Call Them “Dancing Crooks”

Dancing crooks embody the individuals in society who put on an act to make others believe that they leading perfect lives. Often these individuals have many admirers, who only know them as well as the crowd knows the performer. In order to be as admired as the dancing crooks, we might give up our time to dress like them, ‘paint our faces’ with make-up and false emotions or change the things we love and opinions we hold. We don’t realise that our precious time is being robbed. The dancing crooks are covering up their true selves to gain our approval, and as we begin to do the same, we slowly become one. Having some time to reflect can allow us to realise that life is too short to fit into a mould of the ideal person. Harbouring creativity and individuality is more fulfilling than striving for perfection.